How old are you?
Under 18? 18-21? 22 +?
10 2 1
Female? Male?
7 6
Your Interests? (select two)
Sports? Fashion? Technology? TV & Film? Music? Celeb Gossip?
2 8 3 4 7 3
How often do you read magazines?
Daily? Weekly? Monthly? Never?
1 8 2 2
If never, what would make you read it?
Free gift? Cover story? Price?
1 7 2
Would you pay for a college magazine?
Yes? No?
3 10
If so, how muuch?
20p? 50p? £1? £1+?
5 1 1 0
How often would you like it to be published?
Weekly? Monthly? Termly?
3 9 1
Who would you like to see featured?
Students? Staff? Local listings?
10 1 2
Would you read it if it was online?
Yes? No?
7 6