I then added pictures to the contents page to fill some space and add some detail. I think it makes the magazine more appealing because there is something to look at rather than just writing.
So the magazine looks more professional, I added the same college logo that's on the cover to the bottom right corner.
I then added two sub-heading to make the contents page easier to read. I think it makes the page look more sophisticated when the stories are split into categories.
Lastly, I added in the stories with their page numbers. I gave each one a short and snappy little title so the readers know what to expect from each article. I put these titles in red so they stand out to the reader. I also added page numbers to the pictures so the reader knows what image is connected to what story.
This is my final contents page:
I think if I had more time and was to re-do this project, I would take more time taking my pictures as I did those very last minute. I would also like to take more time in creating the cover and contents page as a whole, I would have liked to have used Photoshop so I could get the more professional look I wanted. But because this is a magazine for students, I think the colours, layout and overall look are suitable for both genders.