Tuesday 15 October 2013

Questionnaire for College Magazine

We wanted to find out what other students would like to see in their college magazine, so we set up several question and asked them. Here are the results:

How old are you?
Under 18?              18-21?              22 +?
10                            2                       1 
Female?                 Male?
7                              6
Your Interests? (select two)
Sports?         Fashion?        Technology?        TV & Film?        Music?          Celeb Gossip?
2                    8                      3                            4                          7                     3
How often do you read magazines?
Daily?              Weekly?              Monthly?             Never?
1                        8                          2                            2
If never, what would make you read it?
Free gift?              Cover story?             Price?
1                             7                                 2
Would you pay for a college magazine?
Yes?                 No?
3                       10
If so, how muuch?
20p?               50p?                £1?              £1+?
5                     1                       1                  0
How often would you like it to be published?
Weekly?             Monthly?              Termly?
3                          9                             1
Who would you like to see featured?
Students?                Staff?                 Local listings?
10                             1                         2
Would you read it if it was online?
Yes?                No?
7                      6

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