Monday 30 September 2013

Magazine Analysis - Company

This magazine has a very strange title - it hasn't got an obvious connection to what the magazine is about. I think it's called 'Company' because it's talking about the fashion community as a whole, as a company. This magazine is again, published by Hearst Magazines. They are the largest digital publisher in the UK, who also publish All About Soap, Best, Cosmopolitan, Country Living, Elle, Elle Decoration, Esquire, Good Housekeeping, Harper's Bazaar, House Beautiful, Inside Soap, Prima, Real People, Red, Reveal and Zest. They also publicize several online magazines like sugarscape, netdoctor,, digital spy and all about you.

Company is published on a monthly basis. This is probably because the content is something that could only be published monthly because if it was published weekly, it would be quite repetitive. The magazine has a circulation of 90,726. Company also has a website as well as an app where you can view a digital version of the magazine. The digital circulation is 2,543.

I think the target audience here is definitely women, more specifically targeting the ages of 16 upwards. It's described to be the UK version of Seventeen magazine and an edgier version of Teen Vogue. It's a high street and high fashion magazine so will appeal to young adults like students more than older women of 40 upwards. The readership can be seen as young women as the magazine's content is all very current and 'of the moment' which is what young people want to be and on trend. 

There is one large image on the front which is the celebrity or model that the main story is on and then a few smaller images to go with another story or two that are in the magazine, there is also some images of flowers with a pattern around it to give the cover a bit more added detail. Having just a few images makes the magazine feel more sophisticated and high end and makes it look more expensive. 

The majority of the magazine is fashion and beauty stories but there are also interviews with current music artists and a few job advice parts. 

Company carries out the same house style all throughout the magazine when it comes to fonts. There is two or three different fonts used and they are all very eye-grabbing and interesting. I don't think Company looks similar to any other magazine on the market, I definitely think it has it's own unique look to it with the fonts and styles on the cover and throughout the magazine. This magazine has a high-end look and feel to it but it doesn't look as expensive as Vogue or Elle, but it doesn't look cheap like Reveal or Heat - it looks like it should be more expensive than what it is though. Articles throughout the magazine are very chatty and address the readers in a way you would speak to a friend. 

Adverts are high-end type in this magazine and there is a few of them. I estimate that the price range for adverts isn't too expensive but isn't really cheap either. The adverts definitely fit the target audience for the entire magazine, they are for clothes shops, perfume ads and beauty products. 

Models in this magazine are slim and pretty, high-end models - the type you would see for high fashion magazines and runways. They relate to the audience in the sense that models like these are everywhere for women to see and are used for all fashion advertisements. These models are what women see the clothes in that makes them want to buy them. 

Men are not mentioned much at all in this magazine. There's no advice sections on them or anything like that, it's a very fashion orientated magazine. Young adults are really only represented in this magazine not any other types of people. There are a lot of celebrity features throughout Company. There's a female celebrity on the front cover as the main story, there's current music artists and other actresses and models completely through it. 

I don't think there are many other magazines that are in competition with one. I think American ones like Seventeen and Teen Vogue may compete, because of the comparisons, but they aren't as available as Company because they are American.  

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