Wednesday 2 April 2014

Creating My Music Magazine Contents Page

I wanted to keep the colours I used on my cover throughout my magazine so it didn't look like parts of several different magazines and had a slight house style.

To start my contents page, I went onto publisher and chose the blank A4 portrait option and added a background, I went with an off-white/slightly grey colour with a slight gradient. I then saved this as a picture and opened it in Photoshop. The photo I have chosen for my contents page, again didn't need much editing, I just sharpened it slightly. I didn't want to be editing my pictures too much so thought about this when taking the pictures. I then this to the background.

The way I did the title of the page was taken from the Vibe Magazine contents page that I analysed because I liked the way it was different and unexpected yet professional looking. I went on and found a font that I liked and then saved it three times and cropped them to suit the look I wanted. I also added another photo so the page didn't look so bare and to fill the space.

I added two sub-headings to break up the stories on my contents page so they wouldn't be all in one block. I also took inspiration from the Vibe contents page for this as they used a different font so they stood out.
I then added in a selected few of the stories that would be in my magazine and I chose the most interesting ones to persuade the reader to buy it. I made the numbers red, to match the red on the front cover, and made certain words in each of the stories bold and a slightly different colour so they would stand out and the reader knows that that is the main focus of that article.
Lastly, I added little details to the page;
  • pull quote on the photo from the interview with the cover star
  • pages numbers to the photos on the contents page
  • page number
  • date of magazine
  • social media information
This is my final completed contents page:

I think my contents went well and I think it looks the same style as my cover which is what I wanted and didn't want it to look like it was separate magazines.

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