Wednesday 2 April 2014

Finished Music Magazine

This is my final and complete front cover for my music magazine. I am happy with how it turned out even though I feel I rushed it slightly. I like the fact I stuck to the traditional and basic layout of one main image in the centre of the page and the masthead at the top, in the centre. I like that I have used different elements from different magazines and taken inspiration from them. I like the fact the picture really grabs your attention and looks at the reader, intriguing you to buy the magazine. I think if I was to re-do this project, I would take more time doing the pictures as some of them are a tad blurry.
Although there are only a few things on my contents page, I think I filled the space available well and it doesn't look gappy. I like that the bottom picture and the social network icons add a bit more colour to this page just because the cover and double-page spread have such neutral colours. I the fact that I added a gradient background gives the contents page something that's a bit more interesting to look at and less harsh, rather than a plan white background. I think the two lines by the social media links adds extra detail to the page and a sense of professionalism.  

My double-page spread is probably my favourite page I created out of the three. I like the little details around the edge of the page as I feel they make the magazine look sophisticated and professional which is what I wanted. If I was to improve this page, I would, again, take a bit more time with the photos and got to know how to work the camera a bit more so I could brighten the background slightly. Overall, I am pleased with how my magazine turned out as a whole.

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